Want a beautiful designer home without the price tag?

Predesigned Semi-Custom Homes

Tide Constructions’ Predesigned Semi-Custom Homes is an innovative process we have developed to reduce the risks traditionally associated with building a custom home. This design process removes any potential risk and lengthy timelines between considering a custom build and getting the dream home you want. With multiple styles and customisations for our predesigns, we are able to capture what you want in a custom home without having to “guess the price and buckle up for 12 months of design work” which is so common in the custom home niche of Brisbane & surrounds.

Our Process

How it works

1. Discovery Phone Chat

Find out about how our semi custom homes work and why they are becoming so popular. We will briefly discuss.

  • If you are considering a knock down rebuild, is it possible
  • Whether a semi custom or fully custom home is suited to you
  • What the initial costs are
  • What design and styles you like
  • Commencement and completion times
  • Things specific to your situation

2. In-office or on site consultation

This meeting is to ask questions and understand exactly how the process works. We will cover the important things like

  • Which design is best suited to your block and why
  • In detail explanation of initial costs
  • What things you may consider customizing
  • Finishes packages and what you like
  • Detailed discussion about design stage and build stage

3. Review plans & preliminaries

You know what you like, now its time to get to work

  • Final review of base plans and preferred changes
  • Signing of initial agreement for us to engage consultants to finalize the design

4. Initial design meeting

Customise plans & select finishes. You've signed up, now it's time to enjoy the process.

  • Meet with our Designer to discuss plans and refine to be a perfect fit for your block
  • Meet with our preferred suppliers to choose your finishes

5. Soil test and engineering consultants engaged

Let us do the heavy lifting

  • We will arrange structural and foundation engineering to produce the plans required for a contract
  • If your block has any specific requirements such as overland flow these things will be arranged at the same time

6. Final Proposal Review

You've made your selections and you love the plans

  • A final review of the plans and selections is undertaken to ensure you are completely happy.
  • Any minor tweaks or changes you like are done here
  • We will discuss build times and contracts here to ensure we are ready to go

7. Contract Signing

Time to build your forever home!

  • This meeting is for us to review and ensure you are comfortable with every step so far
  • We will then show you the build schedule and go through each meeting we will have thereafter during the build, to ensure you get to see everything first hand and how its built

8. Build time!

We don’t leave you in the dark here either

  • Each fortnight you will be invited to meet us on site to walk through your build
  • We will review locations of services, plumbing, electrical and even minor framing just to make sure you are happy with it. We know it can be hard to visualize sometimes, so we do this to make sure you have total control all the way through

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